Month: September 1998

Salt: Good Or Bad?

Is salt good or bad? It's not that simple, is it? For instance, the salt that melts dangerous ice on winter roads is also the salt that eats through the steel of cars. And the salt that an athlete needs to prevent dehydration is the salt that some experts believe plays a significant role in many health problems, such as high blood pressure.

Emergency Prayers

Many people turn to the Lord only when they are in a crisis. Of course, praying in an emergency is better than not praying at all. But whether things are going against us or for us should make no difference. Prayer should be such a natural part of our lives that we engage in it no matter what the circumstances.

Works That Witness

Daniel's life revealed the reality of his faith. He conducted himself so honorably in his high office that Darius "gave thought to setting him over the whole realm" (Dan. 6:3).

The Problem With Critics

Critics talk much and do little that is constructive. They are more interested in trying to make themselves look good by making others look bad.

Watching And Learning

I was browsing in a used book shop when an irate customer stormed in and loudly demanded a refund. When the man couldn't get what he wanted, he began swearing at the clerk. He continued the tirade for several minutes as a girl of 7 or 8 stood passively at his side. Eventually he stomped out of the store, cursing as he went, with the little girl following close behind.

Invisible Observer

Some people are demanding that the high school football coach in their community be fired because the team doesn't have a winning record. According to the mother of one player, they object to his demand that his players "don't cheat, play dirty, or try to take out an opposing player by hurting him."

Who's In The Front Seat?

When riding on a tandem bike, the person in front is in charge. He does the steering and usually sets the pace. The rider in the second seat helps to pedal.

Bearing Fruit

Jesus didn't ask you or me to evangelize the world all by ourselves. We can't. But He did ask us to bear much fruit (Jn. 15:8). One way is to lead someone to Christ. If we bring even one person to the Lord, and that one brings one, and so on, there is great potential for multiplying just as a planted seed reproduces.

Snapshots Of Heaven

I asked my 10-year-old son Steve, "Why do you want to go to heaven?" I expected to hear something about streets of gold or not having to go to school or something similar. Instead, he said, "Because I want to see Grandpa."